miercuri, iunie 16, 2004

Banca Mondială despre România:
... in the last four years, Romania has made remarkable progress in stabilization, growth, and poverty reduction.
Much of the reform momentum has been provided by the prospect of EU accession.
..achievements to date are due, in large part, to fiscal consolidation and a remarkable performance in trade integration with the EU and global markets.
... the expansion of these internationally competitive private firms is hampered by the sizable number of unrestructured public enterprises and the soft budget constraints prevailing between the state and the enterprise sector that keep unviable enterprises from exiting the economy.
The legacy of Romania's agricultural subsidization strategy and the persistence of state holdings of large loss-making state farms and land have taken a heavy toll on the country's agriculture and food sector.
In cross-country comparisons, Romania still has some rigid conditions of employment.
Quasi-fiscal subsidization is crowding out financial intermediation. Banking credit represents only 8 percent of the total financing of the corporate sector while arrears represent 36 percent.
... two key areas of reform are needed to address fiscal risks (i) deepening the reforms of the social security system to address its financial weaknesses; and (ii) containing the costs of upgrading environmental standards.

Raportul complet pe pagina EuroAtlantic Club: volumul 1 şi volumul 2.
Detalii în presa română: Economia sveiter (EvZ), Arieratele - 36% din PIB (RL).